Let's bring hope and healing to Massachusetts

Massachusetts for Mental Health Options

Mental health challenges impact families across the Commonwealth, regardless of income, education, or background. This November we can unite as a community to approve a ballot question that would allow safe, regulated access for adults 21 and older to natural psychedelic substances that show promise in treating mental health conditions.

The ballot initiative creates pathways of care that will positively benefit veterans, first responders, people and caregivers facing terminal illness, and so many more. It establishes a regulated system so adults can access psychedelic therapy under the guidance of a licensed facilitator at approved and licensed therapy centers. The ballot question would not permit any retail sale of natural psychedelic substances.



Early voting begins on October 19, and Election Day is Tuesday, November 5.

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Our ballot question is a lifeline for veterans struggling with PTSD, individuals facing terminal illnesses, and adults seeking breakthrough therapies for persistent mental health challenges. Psychedelic medicine can provide healing and hope where other mental health treatments have failed.

Psychedelic therapies aren’t everyday medicines like most pharmaceutical products. Individuals can experience profound benefits from natural medicine in regulated licensed treatment centers once or twice a year.


"The entire process helped me weave the disparate and difficult pieces of my life together in a way that I couldn’t access in traditional talk therapy and the profound effects of that retreat stay with me to this day. I’m incredibly grateful for the support I received and wish I could grant the many other people I know struggling with their own battles the same opportunity I was afforded."

Emily Oneschuk

US Navy Veteran, Wakefield Native, MMHO Grassroots Campaign Director

"As a peace officer and mental health counselor, I see the toll of our mental health crisis every day. People are suffering because we lack effective mental health options, and natural psychedelic medicines are the breakthrough we need. Question 4 will make therapeutic access to natural psychedelics a reality for residents of Massachusetts. "

Lt. Sarko Gergerian, MS, MHC, CARC

"When I thought I had exhausted all options and thinking I had nothing left in the tank, a fellow Veteran mentioned psychedelic-assisted therapy. It was through the combination of commitment, plant-based medicine (through a local clinical trial), and therapy that I have been able to heal and finally ‘return home’."

Ari W. Polivy

USMC Veteran, Massachusetts resident

"I support legalizing natural psychedelic therapies on behalf of long-suffering mental illness patients, like myself and surviving friends and family, who deserve legal, reliable access to life-saving treatments now."

Graham Moore

How You Can Support Massachusetts for Mental Health Options

Massachusetts is facing a mental health crisis. We need your support to create access to regulated natural psychedelic treatment options.

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Stand with veterans, patients, and researchers who support the breakthrough mental health option of natural psychedelic medicines.


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